Part 1: How the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform transforms organization?

The Snowflake Cloud Data Platform is one platform to build all your organization’s data apps.
The advantages of leveraging Snowflake as your modern cloud data platform differs among the specific use cases of your organization. Here are some of the critical capabilities that can help transform your organization:
Store all your data
Snowflake can store semi-structured data such as JSON, Avro, ORC, Parquet, and XML in addition to your relational data. Snowflake has the capability to allow users and applications to query all this data with standard ANSI standard SQL. Many of our customers like this feature, so their teams can leverage their existing SQL query skills.
Support all your users
The Snowflake data platform shines by delivering the ability to support multiple concurrent use cases and queries. Some data warehouse platforms have concurrency limits. This means you’ll have some challenges to overcome if you plan on having high concurrency. Snowflake has ability to have independent virtual warehouses which are essentially separate compute clusters which can reference your common data. The virtual warehouses can scale up or down on the fly in addition to turning them off if you don’t need them.
Pay only for what you use
Snowflake is built for the cloud from the ground up, which has an architecture the can scale storage separately from compute up and down. This transparent process happens automatically, so you truly only pay for what you use. Snowflake brings unparalleled flexibility and scalability to data warehousing. The simple Snowflake pricing model enables these capabilities at a low cost with per-second, usage-based pricing for compute and storage.
Benefits from near-zero management
Snowflake almost eliminates the administration and management requirements of traditional data platforms and big data solutions. The Snowflake Cloud Data Platform is a pure data platform-as-a-service, running in the cloud.
Snowflake automatically handles the management of the infrastructure, built-in performance optimization (indexing and tuning), availability, securing & data protection, and everything else, so you can focus on leveraging your data, so your team can focus on delivering value to your business users.
Use Standard SQL
Snowflake leverages the standard ANSI SQL query language, which can enable you to get up and to run much faster as most organizations already have this SQL skillset in house. It also enables you to query, transform easily, and modify data or to connect Snowflake with other tools as need along with the capability to modify, drop, undrop, and insert or delete like you would with any standard RDBMS.
Enjoy “Load and go” ease of use
Snowflake has native support for structured and semi-structured data in a SQL data warehouse, which means you can load data and start analyzing it with no additional transformation required.
This is part 1 of 2 covering the capabilities of the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform. Snowflake provides distinct user experiences for interacting with the data for a data engineer, data analyst, and business analysts.