Nearly 50 percent of businesses say big data and analytics have fundamentally changed business practices in their sales and marketing departments.
Source: Forbes
- 59 percent of executives say big data at their company would be improved through artificial intelligence (AI).
- Only 7% of marketers surveyed report that they are currently effectively able to deliver real-time, data-driven marketing engagements across both physical and digital touchpoints.
- By 2025, 60% of the 163 zettabytes of existing data will be created and managed by enterprise organizations.
- By 2020, there will be 2.7 million job postings for data science and analytics roles.
- More than 30 percent of businesses say big data and analytics have fundamentally changed business practices in their research and development departments
- 73 percent of businesses consider Spark SQL critical to their analytics strategies as a big data access method.
- By 2025, IDC predicts that the total amount of digital data created worldwide will rise to 163 zettabytes, ballooned by the growing number of devices and sensors
- 61 percent of businesses that recognize the effect of data and analytics on their core business practices say their companies either have not responded to these changes or have taken only ad hoc actions rather than developing a comprehensive, long-term strategy for analytics.
- 55 percent of North American businesses have adopted big data analytics.
- People generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day.