In the banking sector, investments in big data analytics were estimated at $20.8 billion in 2016.
Source: The Hill
- 21 percent of investment professionals use web traffic to derive data.
- 98 percent of sales representatives at construction companies that adopt analytics and geographic data reported dramatic decreases in their time frame for providing price quotes.
- Businesses that use big data saw a profit increase of 8–10 percent.
- In 2025, the IoT data analyzed and used to change business processes will be as much as all of the data created in 2020.
- 36 percent of investment professionals use web scraping to derive data.
- The worldwide big data market is projected to grow from $42 billion in 2018 to $103 billion in 2027.
- Big data ranks 20th across 33 key technologies when businesses were asked their top technologies and initiatives strategic to business intelligence.
- 29 percent of investment professionals use search trends to derive data.
- By 2025, IDC predicts that the total amount of digital data created worldwide will rise to 163 zettabytes, ballooned by the growing number of devices and sensors
- 40 percent of businesses say they need to manage unstructured data on a frequent basis.