45 percent of companies run at least some big data workloads in the cloud.
Source: ZDNet
- Data warehouse optimization is considered the most important big data analytics use case, and is considered critical or very important by 70 percent of businesses.
- In a survey of approximately 700 business professionals, only 15% said their organization is currently very effective in delivering a relevant and reliable customer experience. In the same survey, only 3% of respondents said they are able to act on all of the customer data they collect; 21% say they can act on very little of it.
- 30 percent of businesses consider the Spark software framework critical to their big data analytics strategies.
- 90 percent of the world’s data was created between 2015 and 2016 alone.
- 36 percent of investment professionals use web scraping to derive data.
- 50 percent of businesses say data and analytics significantly impacted new entrants launching data and analytics businesses that undermine traditional competitors’ value propositions.
- In 2025, the IoT data analyzed and used to change business processes will be as much as all of the data created in 2020.
- By 2025, more than a quarter of all data created will be real-time, with 95% of that data generated by the Internet of Things.
- Customer/social analysis is considered the second most important big data analytics use case, followed by predictive maintenance.
- Businesses that use big data saw a profit increase of 8–10 percent.